A mutualistic economy of sufficiency, operating within ecological limits.
►This year’s Sustainability Action Network annual meeting will feature keynote speaker Sami Aaron, the facilitator of The Resilient Activist – The Resilient Activist | Sami Aaron. Ms. Aaron’s focus in the global polycrisis is to “offer uplifting and nurturing community-building activities, articles, stories, and programs to reduce the immense overwhelm and burnout many experience in these unprecedented times.”
The meeting is open to the public. Doors open at 6.
Please bring a dish to share and prepare for an evening of enlightenment, discussion and community! We look forward to seeing you on March 28th!
General Meetings – 4th Tuesday of the month – Next General Meeting is April 29, 2024 @ 6:30PM – Sunflower Bike Shop, 2nd floor. Also by Zoom.
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